Learning Spanish from Duolingo

I wanted to learn a new language for quite a while as it could help me in many ways like interacting with people in different countries and in my further studies as well because I am going to the USA for my further studies and in America, there are more than 40 million Spanish speakers so learning the language helped me get ready for my further life.

Learning Spanish from Duolingo in specific was a good choice from my side as the app has many good features that helped me in different ways like it has many fun activities which do not make the learning boring plus it has exam like quizzes and questions which tests our learning and it shows our progress level so that at the end of this CAS experience I could paste a screenshot for the evidence.

LO’s met:-

LO1-[Identify their own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.]

I tried to identify my own strengths and weaknesses so that I could work on them effectively as there were many weaknesses that I had to work on like my understanding of the game as sometimes I did not know some rules which interrupted the games sometimes and vice versa for my strengths as there were some strengths in me that I didn’t know which after discovering helped me a lot in the games.

LO2-[Demonstrate that they have undertaken challenges, developing new skills in the process.]

Learning a new language is always a challenging work as I had to learn from start and all the things that work in English just changed while learning Spanish. There are many challenges while learning new language like lack of motivation which I suffered while learning Spanish, and feeling that it is going to be easy but when I started to learn it, I understood how difficult it actually was.

LO4-[Show commitment to and perseverance in their CAS experiences.]

As I talked about lacking motivation but still I pushed through it and really tried my best to show dedication towards learning Spanish and definitely even maintaining the commitment for 1 month was difficult for me.

Learning Spanish will really help when I go USA for my further studies as a major population in USA speak Spanish and even in some situations where people don’t know how to speak English as I have mentioned it before that Spanish is the 4th most spoken language so in many countries it could help me interact with people.

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