Pi Day event (CAS Project)

Pi day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant ‘π’. This was the first time our school’s math team decided to organize an event. Hereby, CAS gave me an opportunity to explore how the event organizing process occurs and therefore developed my collaborative, communication, time-management, social, etc. skills. My role in this event was as a resource leader and I had a stall named ‘Match the mathematician’ wherein one had to match the math discoveries with the discoverers. 


LO1 (Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth) – My strength was my IT skills and leadership skills therefore I became a resource leader and also I helped my colleagues if they needed help with any digital work, be it a poster, information, etc. The area of growth was that as this was my first time organizing an event, I could get an exposure of that process.


LO2 (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills) – Challenges were undertaken in terms of time-management and social skills and by participating in this event, I was able to develop those skills. Specifically, I developed social skills and time-management skills by managing my studying schedule and devoting proper time for the event as well. Also, by collaborating with my colleagues I developed social skills.


LO4 (Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience) – I was committed to this CAS experience because I devoted a lot of time for this event, both inside and outside the school. Also, as this was my CAS project and I had the responsibility of a leader, I further put in more effort for this event to be successful.


LO5 (Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively) – Working collaboratively in this event was a crucial thing which brought up a lot of advantages. They include, as there were many people who brought together versatile skill sets with them, the more the people, the more efficient and faster the work could be done. Also, as there were more people, more creative ideas were pitched in so that people could enjoy this event and understand the purpose of this event simultaneously.


LO7 (Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions) – The ethical choice made here is that events such as ‘Pi day’ are not recognized and celebrated. Therefore, organizing this event was a stepping stone for making people aware about such an event.


In conclusion, through this CAS project I could get a full on exposure of the event management field and therefore I even develop leader profiles such as  communicators because communication is crucial in event management, inquirer because as this was my first time managing an event I had several doubts which I resolved during the process, and knowledgeable because I brought up skill set of IT and leadership.


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