Participating for Pi Day Celebration

I have always had a deep interest in mathematics and physics, and my inclinations in these subjects have had a huge impact on my thinking and creative as well as problem solving skills, so when I heard that the school was considering to celebrate Pi Day in one capacity or another, I signed up. I along with members of the Pi Day Team and several volunteers created a Pi Day fair with several stalls, each containing a wide variety of fun and challenging games/puzzles/interactives for the rest of the grade.

LO1: While planning this experience, I realized that my inclinations in mathematics and puzzles could prove to be a source for creative ideas that we could present to my peers, and hence, a strength of mine. But at the same time, I identified that this experience would require a lot of work that needs to be done on time, which would test my time-management skills, and that communication and social skills, something that I could improve upon, would also come into the picture.

LO2: During the preparation, many times school deadlines had to be managed with Pi day preparations and I had to take several early-ins to school which were difficult and challenging. Through this, I was able to develop several time-management skills as the planning had to be done. I also had a very self-led task that require creative input from my end, like creating stall posters, thinking of creative activities that would appeal to the audience, etc. Such things were not a habit of mine, so it was initially challenging to attempt but it allowed me to develop several creative skills. Also, talking to others and managing the stall by communicating effectively was not my strength, so it was something I found very challenging but also something I feel I developed and got stronger at through this CAS experience.

LO3: I had access to several resources and planning tools that I made use of during the experience. To make sure I completed everything on time and produced quality results, I had a minutes of meeting sheet that I could use to reflect on pending tasks as well as remember past discussions that the team did. I also had a resource sheet and a task sheet to remind myself of any tasks left, their priority and their due date I set to complete the setup and preparation of my stall for Pi Day. This planning allowed me to complete my CAS experience successfully.

LO4: Balancing both academics and Pi day wasn’t easy and it was stressful at times. Hence, I sometimes thought about getting off the Pi Day team so I could have more free time, but I realized that this was an opportunity for me and I had volunteered for a reason: my enjoyment and enthusiasm for math. I decided to commit to the tasks and fulfill my responsibilities as a Pi Day volunteer and continued with the team to execute a successful Pi Day fair.

LO5: Communication and collaboration is essential to bring results. Our efforts would have been for nothing if no one could coordinate with each other and bring a pi day celebration that was envisioned from the start. I needed the efforts of others, exchanging favors and helping each other to complete our tasks and our stalls and making sure the stalls were a success.

LO7: I think that mathematics and physics are effective at communicating logical and critical thinking, and these skills are required for us as students to be more responsible and productive citizens. By giving others the opportunity to learn factual knowledge and improve their logical and critical thinking, I think we have benefited the group and fulfilled an ethical responsibility to our fellow peers.

In the end, I developed many creative, time-management, and social skills which helped me be more Balanced, be a better Thinker, and develop the Learner Profile Communicator.

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