Learning a new song on Keyboard

Playing keyboard is my passion and I have years of experience playing it. However, for 1-2 years I stopped playing keyboard because of studying. Hereby, CAS gave me an opportunity to revive that passion and relive playing keyboard. Therefore, this experience. I started playing keyboard by first practicing the basics, from pressing keys to chords and to chord progressions. This was important so that I could regain that muscle movement and be more efficient while I try to learn the song. After days of practice, it was time to choose a song, I searched for songs and came to a conclusion of choosing ‘Final Countdown’, because the song had a nice tune and it could be fully played on keyboard unlike various songs. Then I practiced it and now I am able to proficiently play it.


LO1 (Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth) – My strength was that I already had a lot of knowledge about the keyboard so after only a few days of practicing, I could gain the muscle movement back. Another growth area was that I was able to update my knowledge and improve my understanding about chords and chord progression.


LO2 (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills) – I have faced various challenges such as finding time to play keyboard as I had to dedicatedly give a 30 min slot everyday for playing keyboard. Furthermore, I was not very good with chords and chord progression, therefore I watched videos regarding them and got a good grasp of how to play them.


LO3 (Initiate and plan a CAS experience) – For this CAS experience, I had to find practice exercises which are effective so that I could be efficient with my keyboard practice, plan what I had to do everyday and find a song and its tutorial and add it into my schedule. I did this planning on a separate google sheet which is also shown in the evidence.


LO4 (Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience) – I was committed to this CAS experience because this CAS experience took about 1.5 months to complete. Not only that, but I practiced keyboard daily and had undergone the above mentioned challenges which improved my keyboard skills.


In conclusion, through this experience I developed learner profiles such as principled, inquirer, and knowledgeable because I had prior knowledge about keyboard, I developed knowledge about chords and chord progressions, and I was principled about playing keyboard everyday so that I could get better.


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