Online Course on Engineering Mechanics

Recently, I enrolled myself in an online introductory course to Engineering Mechanics on Coursera. Provided by Georgia Tech Research Corporation, this highly-engaging course helped me learn and apply various concepts and principles that form the foundation of engineering mechanics, many of which coincided with the basics of math and physics previously learnt by me. Outlining engineering problems found in real-life, the course enhanced my problem-solving skills while simultaneously improving my analytical abilities. Lasting the duration of 1 month, this engineering course challenged, and consequently, refined my prowess in the concepts of maths, physics and engineering.

LO’s Demonstrated Through This Experience:

• LO 1: Identify One’s Own Strengths And Develop Areas For Growth

My greatest strength while completing the mentioned course was my competency in the concepts catered to in physics. Formerly having registered myself in multiple courses on the subject, each varying in proficiency level, I had an adequate understanding on the same, something that proved extremely beneficial and useful during the course. However, my weaker points included my intermediate difficulty with analysing the given scenarios, an ability not yet a part of my skill set. I struggled in critically evaluating and solving the real-life problems presented, a challenge which dampened my progress slightly. Further practice and repeated exercise helped me conquer the same, thus strengthening my analytical abilities.

LO 2: Demonstrate That Challenges Have Been Undertaken, Developing New Skills:

The engineering mechanics course proved a great way to improve and stabilize my Thinking Skills. Throughout the course, I developed Critical Thinking as I learnt how to evaluate and form judgements on the basis of the various problems presented. Additionally, I enriched my analytical skills, understanding how to draw conclusions and communicate the same using coherent, logical reasoning. Dwelling deeper into the mathematical and scientific concepts taught, I built my knowledge of math and physics, turning them into assets for future benefit. Despite this, the journey was not short of its obstacles. Balancing academics, extra-curricular activities and additional projects with regularly attempting the course proved not be an easy task. Along with that, managing my time to accommodate these demanding responsibilities was a greater challenge than I could’ve ever imagined. However, after a certain time, things fell into place, enabling me to overcome these initial drawbacks.

LO 3: Initiate And Plan A CAS Experience:

I first came across this engineering mechanics course while surfing the web in search of effective online programmes that could help me experience and indulge myself in an altogether new field. Taking my growing interest in engineering into consideration, this course was a perfect fit for me, prompting me to enroll myself when the opportunity of CAS presented itself. As I began this CAS Experience, I was careful to organize and balance my academics and additional duties, so as to avoid any decline in my performance as well as to prevent interference of any form in terms of time management. Constructing a well-balanced routine for my CAS Experience proved to be extremely useful and handy in the later stages.

LO 4: Show Perseverance And Commitment In CAS Experience:

Although my interest in engineering mechanics was deep-rooted, religiously committing myself to the course was quite difficult and frankly an exhausting and demanding task. Regularly practicing and learning from the introductory course wasn’t a possible task, with some assignment or project prioritizing my time daily. Therefore, at the start, my commitment differed and varied. However, despite this initial difficulty, I persevered in the CAS Experience, which was just as mentally demanding as it was time-consuming. Eventually, my perseverance and efforts of commitment paid off, helping me dedicate myself to the CAS Experience and its requirements.

All in all, engaging myself in an introductory course in engineering mechanics was a thoroughly fruitful CAS Experience as it pushed me to break past the boundaries and immerse myself in something unusual and unique.

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