Table tennis(Activity)

Table tennis is a sport that requires constant attention and perfect shots to counter the opponent, I am playing this sport from 2 months, This sport has made be better by enhancing my skills and achieve the cas learning outcomes:


As a participant in a CAS experience in table tennis, I would first conduct a self-assessment of my skills, strengths, and weaknesses. I would evaluate my technique, footwork, and strategy to identify areas where I excel or need improvement. Additionally, I would seek feedback from coaches, mentors, or experienced players to gain a better understanding of my performance and how to improve. Using this information, I would set SMART goals to improve my performance and develop my strengths. For example, I might set a goal to improve my backhand or increase my fitness level. Through regular practice and participation in tournaments, I would work towards achieving these goals and developing my skills, ultimately becoming a more confident and skilled table tennis player.


My experience with CAS has taught me the importance of commitment and perseverance, especially when it comes to pursuing my goals in the context of table tennis. As I dedicated myself to training, competing, and serving the community through my involvement in the sport, I encountered many challenges and obstacles that could have discouraged me or made me give up. However, I learned to stay committed to my vision and to keep pushing myself, even when progress was slow or setbacks occurred. For example, I had to overcome injuries and illnesses that could have disrupted my training and competitions, but I found ways to adapt my routine and stay on track. I also had to balance my commitments to table tennis with other demands on my time and energy, such as schoolwork or family obligations. Nevertheless, I persevered and remained focused on my goals, knowing that the benefits of my efforts would be worth it in the end. Through my CAS experience in table tennis, I developed a sense of resilience, determination, and dedication that I will carry with me in all areas of my life.


As I pursued my CAS experience in table tennis, I realized the importance of recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions. Playing sports involves not only technical skills and physical fitness, but also a set of values and principles that guide our behavior both on and off the court. For instance, I learned the importance of respecting my opponents, even when the competition was fierce. I also recognized the significance of fair play, and the need to avoid any behavior that could be seen as cheating or unsportsmanlike. Additionally, I became aware of the potential impact of my choices and actions on others, such as the example I set for younger players or the way my behavior could affect the image of the sport as a whole. Through my CAS experience in table tennis, I developed a stronger sense of personal responsibility and a deeper understanding of the ethical considerations that underlie our choices and actions.

Learner profile demonstrated

  1. Inquirers: You sought to learn more about the technical and strategic aspects of table tennis by asking questions, observing others, and experimenting with different approaches.
  2. Principled: You recognized the ethical considerations involved in playing sports and made choices that were guided by principles of fair play, respect, and sportsmanship.
  3. Communicators: You communicated effectively with your coach, peers, and community members, whether by providing feedback, sharing knowledge, or building relationships.
  4. Risk-takers: You were willing to take risks in order to improve your game, whether by trying out new techniques or by competing against more skilled opponents.

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