Chess Club(Creativity)

The game of chess is have many advantages which can help you in real life like it improves memory, boosts planning skills as in this game we have to interpret other players moves to make are move and also this game make us more focused in real life, as it requires deep thinking .

LO1-identify your own strength and develop areas for personal growth

As we play with different players in this game, we learn different strategies and improve our skills.When I was learning chess, I had a tendency to get easily distracted, which often resulted in me losing pieces or getting checkmated. This game requires focus, as you have to anticipate your opponent’s moves and then make your own. However, I gradually focused on the game, resulting in me winning many games against my opponents.

LO2-Demonstrate that challenges have been taken, developing new skills in the process

As I didn’t know many openings, this posed a challenge in my game of chess, which forced me to play the same opening every time if I played against that player again.Thus, there was a high chance that I would lose. Through this chess club, I was able to learn many different openings, which allowed me to improve my gameplay. This developed many skills, one of them being thinking skills, as when playing different openings we have to keep in mind the other moves played by my opponent and play the next move. This increased my interest in the game, as it feels so good to defeat my opponents with different openings.

LO5-Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Here, we worked collaboratively to solve many puzzles togetherThis enabled me to solve the puzzles and learn different strategies easily, as we worked collaboratively. I was able to learn many different openings that could be played in the game, and with many people solving alongside with me, I was able to learn many moves that can be played in this opening, thus allowing me to master it.

Learner profile:

The learner profile used in this cas is a thinker as chess required creative thinking skills to analyze the new openings so that when playing against an opening, there is no chance that they could defend this openingThe learner profile for this cas, Communicators as I need to communicate with the people so that they could buy my stall products so as the age group change I needed to convince them differently so that they can buy my product.

Final Takeaway:-

In conclusion, I will continue my hobby of chess, sharpen my skills, and gain more experience by participating in upcoming chess clubs.


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