CAS Experience 3-Global Odyssey 3.0

The Global Odyssey is an event held in our school to give the students an exposure about how a business functions. This event was held on 23rd of February and all Business Management students participated in this event including some Economics students too. We had to get in a group and have a stall where we would sell our products or have games.

LO2: Before Global Odyssey, I didn’t know how to cook. I could only cook basic things like grilled sandwich and garlic bread. I had to learn the new skill of cooking as I had to make Pizzas and Samosas for the event. We also faced many problems during the event itself like, getting the corner stall which meant we had less customers visiting and the stall was wet which led to other problems.

LO3 and 4: This CAS experience required a lot of commitment and perseverance as this event took a lot of time to plan out. We had to commit our time in learning to cook and plan out all the things before the event.

LO5: This event was very time consuming and we had to do a lot of things to properly execute this event. This is when working collaboratively came in handy. As we were in groups, we divided our tasks and focused on our own tasks so we could serve more customers at the same time.

In the end, I developed a lot of skills during the event and also had fun along the process.

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