pi day volunteer


considering as creativity and activity

I volunteered for mathematics event “pi day” organised in my school by having my own stall with a partner. We thought about how we can make the event interesting and came up with the math clock idea. For the math clock stall, we created clock templates that were sticked on the board and had people visiting our stall solve mathematical problems and stick the answer according to the number placement of the clock to complete it.

LO 1: While organising this event, I came to the realisation that my inclination for math and puzzles could prove to be a source for original ideas that we could convey to my classmates. But at the same time, I realised that this experience would demand a lot of work that must be completed on time, putting my time-management abilities to the test, and that communication and social skills, which I could develop, would also be important.

LO2: With the help of my participation in this event, I was able to overcome challenges in time management and social skills. I specifically improved my time management and social skills by organizing my studying and allocating enough time for the event. Additionally, I gained social skills via working with my batch mates and teachers

LO 4: As the deadline for the event was approaching, we still had work to complete and hence commitment and perseverance was shown by planning early ins to complete the tasks so that the event can be successful. I used to dedicate few free slots to complete the event work and alas, the event was successful and everyone enjoyed it.

LO 5: I was partnered up with another student for the math clock stall and we strategically divided the work amongst both of us so that we can be more efficient while completing it. My strength lied in generating creative ideas and hence I focused on planning the activity and creating clock templates while my partner focused on finding mathematical problems. By working together and utilising our own individual skills, we were able to complete things faster and get the most out of the work we put in.

LO7: events like pi day are not recognised amongst young generations and are often neglected. Hence, It was an ethical choice to plan an event such as this and make people aware of the importance of mathematics and the existence of such an event.


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