Singing (youth festival)

When I was younger, I used to sing all the time. I loved performing in school choirs and I was always confident in my vocal abilities. Somewhere along the way, though, I lost inspiration .It wasn’t until recently that I decided to give singing another try as CAS was an opportunity for me to start singing again. The journey was very interesting & it also introduced me to something which I was unaware of, the technicalities behind singing which included different vocal exercises that can help in improving range, etc some of the skills learned are ladder dinging, etc. In addition to that this also introduced me to new songs that are probably added in my playlist, which is a boon for a music lover. Along with several different learning outcomes it also helped me regain confidence in my abilities. The process was as follows :
beginning with vocal warm-ups
The foundation was built through fundamental vocal exercises including ladder singing and sargam, among others. This significantly improved strength and allowed for higher pitches. Additionally, because I can’t reach higher pitches, it helped me regain some of my confidence back. I learned to improve my range here. The learning outcome LO ‘2 & LO’1 as it demonstrates that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process was implemented here, singing for the first time after some time between people was not easy, I couldn’t even sing solo and asked my friend to accompany me. Confidence was a big challenge. The technicalities were kept aside because I am no professional singer and I didn’t do it to be perfect. The intention behind it was to enjoy the feel of it and learn new skills. Transitioning from having no confidence and regaining some of it was a big win for me which was a new skill which i gained in this process

We prepared all this to participate in the youth festival where we went under a group singing division where we were asked to perform technical classical singing. The new singing style was unfamiliar, and the competition had a high level of difficulty. To succeed in this competition, I had to demonstrate a high level of commitment and perseverance through thorough practice which, here LO ‘4 was incorporated. It wasn’t just about singing; it was about mastering a completely new style of singing, which demanded a significant investment of time and effort.
Overall, the commitment required to complete this activity involved pushing through self-doubt, consistently practicing vocal exercises, and taking on the challenge of mastering a new singing style for the competition. It made me feel determined and motivated to overcome obstacles and regain my confidence in singing.

Final reflection : This journey was about loving the art, and it led to me becoming more skilled than I was before while also resulting in a lot of fun. We even scored 1st position in taluka level and 3rd position in district level. The learner profile attribute inquirer was also developed. I inquired a lot of things on a lot of singing-related topics that I didn’t fully understand.

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