Participating at “Listening Inn” workshop.

Listening Inn was about developing your skills to stay present at the point when someone is providing information to you and how well you can take the information in your senses. Overall, the experience of Listening Inn sessions were interesting and provided insightful knowledge on how to takle your distrations and stay present from mind.

I have been having trouble of listening to my peers and teachers during my educational slots, due to which I had to pay the cost of missing out on the knowledge shared, and it took extra efforts and time to re – understand what was already taught in the class, which not only increased my wrok but also sometimes made me confuse about certain difficult concpets. Therefore, enrolling in the Listening Inn workshop helped me a lot after that to put aside my unconcious thoughts and other distractions aside whenever I needed to focus on something more important.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.
Identifying my strenghts and weakness wasn’t very hard, after hearing about listening inn during the orientation of the workshop. One of my strenght is showing commintment towards a particular task that is given, and putting in my most efforts to acheive the goal set by myslef. Whereas, my weakness would be the focus needed during a class or even during a serious conversation, when someone is sharing something important about their life, which has brought a lot of trouble and extra work.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
Something very challenging during the workshop was waking up early to attend the session, so that me and other participants at the workshop do not have to miss out on the school slots, due to which managing other activities was a little challenging, but because the workshop only had 3 sessions it wasn’t quite a lot to take in and adjust. Adjusting to different circumstances and situtations would help me in future.
Another challenge faced during the workshop would be being reflective and accepting the mistakes that I had commited and was realised during the course of workshop.

LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.
As mentioned above the times where it was had to accpet my own mistakes, and reflect on them so that it gets easier to start for improvement. Even after reflection and self evaluation, it was difficult to implement during that certain point of time. And during the Listening Inn session, we did not only learn about listening skills but also how to react and make the other person comfortable for sharing their problems with you when you are trying to have a serious conversation with someone, and even your response to other person speaking during different situations and what they exactly require from is a bit hard to understand and sometimes might lead to failure.

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