Beach cleaning

I had participated in the event Nation-wide Coastal cleanup drive.This event took place in Dariya Ganesh Beach in Surat for the project Surat Saviour.We had been provided with all the materials such as gloves,trash bags etc.We divided ourselves into groups separating recycling items and non recycling items.We were amazed at the amount of trash we found of beach.Plastic bottles,straws,food wrappers and cigarette butts were the most common items we picked up.It was heartbreaking to see how careless people can be with their trash and how it can harm marine life and ecosystems.We had a lot of fun working together and seeing the beach gradually transform from a littered wasteland to a clean and beautiful shore.

LO2 and LO5:I had used communication skills to effectively coordinate within my group members during the cleaning process.Active listening skills were also used to pay careful attention to what the organizers are instructing and which area to clean.Social skills were also used where taking the organizers and know about why the action they are taking,what persuade then for taking this actions and many more curious interactions.

LO4:Since the organizers had well explained our task, me and my group were fully committed towards our goals to pick all the possible trash be it heavy,sticky or dirty.We were fully focused and continued our fully optimized effort to clean until we were done with it.

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