Cultural Capsule (CAS project)

For my CAS project me and my friends came up with the idea of starting a cultural club. We identified a problem that extinction of indian culture was the increasing problem in the world of modernisation. For this we decided to establish a club to promote the culture on instagram. We also organised a few drives to underprivileged schools and orphanages. Here, we played several traditional games like paper plate rangoli, lantern making etc and also read multiple books to spread awareness.

LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken,developing new skills in the process.

one of the biggest challenges of starting this club was time management. We were working upon this club while our schools were going on. It was very difficult to plan everything during our school as all of us had assignments, deadlines and extra classes. Managing the meetings according to the schedule of all the members was very difficult. Another challenge that we faced was that all of us ourselves were not aware of our culture. We had to extensive research on each festival, ritual and tradition to come up with authentic information.

LO 3 : Demonstrate How To Initiate And Plan A CAS Experience

In the beginning of this project, we thought of just just having school events. But after many discussions and brainstorming sessions we decided that we will have to take steps which create an impact. So, we decided that to target a major mass we will conduct out of school drives to underprivileged schools and orphans. For this we created a timeline of around 2 weeks about sharing the volunteer forms, finalising the volunteers, inquiring to an orphanage etc. This required a lot of communication and collaboration with other.

LO 4 : Show Commitment And Perseverance In CAS Experience

This club ran from mid 2022 to early 2023 and focused on posting on instagram twice a week on rituals, traditions etc. As well as catering to all the festival during that period required a lot of effort. During this period we also conducted drives to different places which involved rolling out volunteer forms, communicating with them and gathering everything for a successful event. This required a lot of commitment from all the members.

LO 5 : Demonstrate The Skills And Recognize The Benefits Of Working Collaboratively

All the members were working as a team and we all had only one goal ahead of us- the success of this club. We all played an individual role like some had to do research, some had to do editing while some focussed on communication. This collaboration and cooperative nature of all the members is the reason why this project was an absolute success. We all divided work amongst us according to our preference which made the process smooth and easy.

LO 7 : Recognise and reconsider the ethics of choices and actions

culture, religion and traditions are few of the very crucial topics. We had to keep in mind that our actions are not offensive to any community present out there. We did not know the personal beliefs and values of the communities and hence, we had to keep in mind that our club does not offend anyone. also, while going to schools and orphanages we had to take charge of volunteers’ behavior and need to ensure that their behavior does not affect anyone.

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