Robin Hood – Service

I volunteered with Robin Hood, an organization that provides services to slum areas and gives food to the homeless. I went to the slums on Saturdays and Sundays to teach the children and help hand out food.

I learned from this experience:

  1. Commitment and perseverance: I showed commitment by going every weekend, and sometimes even on holidays, to volunteer.
  2. Collaboration: I worked closely with the Robin Hood leaders and volunteers. By teaching the children, I improved my communication skills. I also helped them with other tasks, such as organizing events.
  3. Engagement with global issues: I addressed the global issues of quality education and good health and well-being by teaching the children and helping to distribute food to the homeless.

Learning outcome 4 – Showing commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

I showed my dedication to this CAS experience by volunteering every weekend, either to teach the children living in the slums or to help distribute food. I even volunteered on holidays to give away festive-related items.

Learning outcome 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I obtained this result by collaborating with the Robin Hood leaders and volunteering for their services. I am enhancing my communication abilities by educating students from poor communities. I attempt to help them with any subject they need help with, and I also provide them with clothes and other necessities that were donated to aid others.

Learning outcome 6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

Because I am attempting to assist in the education of children living in slum regions, the global concern I have gained from this experience is excellent education. I also improved my health and well-being by assisting the RHA in distributing meals and occasionally donated food to persons living on the streets.

Evidence –

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