Sudoku, Sums, and Beyond – Puzzle Solving Club

I had started solving sudoku puzzles a couple of years ago, since the COVID lockdown, and this soon became a regular habit of mine. Recently, I was exposed to an entirely new dimension to the ordinary sudoku puzzles that I knew to solve. These were different, and encompassed a wide variety of rulesets and were a lot harder than the average sudoku puzzle, involving an astonishing use of logical reasoning and critical thinking that captured my interest straightaway. I was so engrossed in these puzzles that I would spend hours on them, and when I reflected upon these hours, I found that doing these puzzles was an excellent way of improving my problem-solving, logical thinking and deductive skills, which, as a student pursuing STEM studies I find to be extremely important. Recognizing that these puzzles are a fun and engaging way, I found the CAS project to be the perfect platform on which I could create a club where many students like me could pursue such interests and where I could help them learn not only the ways of Sudoku but also help them grow their critical thinking skills.

LO3: Initiate and Plan a CAS Experience

To organize the club, a wide range of tasks needed to be done, which required that I do planning before time in order to accomplish these tasks effectively. I had to communicate with my supervisor as well as my peers in order to ensure smooth flow and efficiency so that the club could achieve its purpose. This involved creating a spreadsheet where we could record all our meetings and discussions that could be used for revising our plans and a sheet where we could add any ideas or new puzzles of our interests.

LO5: Demonstrate skills and Benefits of Working Collaboratively

A lot of work and communication needed to be done, for which I needed to collaborate with my peers in the club as well as the members. Delegating tasks such as the creating of a form and planner allowed me to improve my leadership skills and by choosing the collaborative route, I was able to begin the club sooner and make it more engaging and fruitful for all.

LO6: Engagement with Issues of Global Significance

Today, misinformation and biases make us prone to making decisions and developing ideas that are not necessarily objective and in our best interests. Sudoku and Logic puzzles allows one to understand the thinking process required in problem-solving and develops their critical thinking skills which makes them more reflective and independent thinkers. By logical thinking, evidence and reason are emphasized and will play a major role in future decision-making, and these sudoku/logic puzzles are a start to strengthening this aspect of an individual.

LO7: Recognize and Consider the Ethics of Choices and Actions

I felt that it is our ethical responsibility to improve our critical thinking and logical reasoning, a skill that I find extremely important but scarcely developed through curricular education to the extent that the world demands. Hence, by creating a sudoku and logic puzzle club, I was able to contribute to my society and my fellow members.

After the drive, I felt a sense of accomplishment by seeing how together we could make a positive change. I also learnt by experience the severity of the situation regarding education which I feel has helped me better understand our community. Hence, I developed several learner profiles such as CaringResponsible, and Reflection.

Registration Form Responses

Club Communication and Task delegation

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