Corridors- School Newsletter (Creativity)

Isaac Asimov once said, “ Writing is simply thinking through fingers”. This blog is about a creative journey into the world of writing. It will show the intricacies of being a writer in school and dive into how this passion for words fosters learning outcomes 1 ( Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth ), 2 ( Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in process ) and 4 ( Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences ).

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

When I initially joined the school newsletter team, I had a passion for writing but limited experience. Identifying my strengths became a crucial first step. I realized that my ability to communicate ideas effectively were my strong suits. However, I needed to develop my writing style, grammar, and research skills. Through CAS, I found that my creative imagination was my greatest asset. By honing my writing skills, I was able to channel this strength into captivating articles and poems. Identifying my areas for growth helped me set clear goals for improvement. 

LO2: Demonstrate That Challenges Have Been Undertaken, Developing New Skills in the Process

Challenges are an integral part of growth, and my CAS experience as a writer was no exception. One of the most significant challenges I faced was tackling diverse writing assignments, from news articles to literary pieces. Each type required a unique skill set and approach. To overcome sought guidance from mentors and friends in the form of feedback, and practiced tirelessly. I learned to adapt my writing style to suit different genres and audiences. This journey allowed me to develop valuable skills in research, editing, and communicating. Another prevalent challenge was meeting the deadlines for school as well as written pieces. Tackling studies and writing simultaneously made me more organized and better at managing time. 

LO4: Show Perseverance in CAS Experiences

There were moments of frustration when writer’s block struck, and deadlines loomed. However, I learned to push through these challenges, often seeking inspiration from unexpected sources. There were times when my pieces faced rejection, but I persisted and revised them until they met the newsletter’s standards. This experience taught me that setbacks are opportunities for growth. With each obstacle overcome, I became a more resilient and skilled writer. This also taught me to be persistent since it was important to publish a new edition every month.

In conclusion, my CAS experience as a writer in the school newsletter has been a transformative journey. It has made me develop the IB learner profile attribute ‘Communicator’ and helped me work upon ‘Self management skills’. It has allowed me to identify my strengths, develop new skills, embrace challenges, and demonstrate unwavering perseverance. Through this creative outlet, I’ve not only grown as a writer but also as an individual who is ready to face any future challenges with determination and a creative spirit. 

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