Balmela; service

My purpose in selecting CAS Bal Mela as my CAS experience is to create a positive impact on these children’s lives. Through this event, we provide them with a safe and enjoyable space where they can experience the joys of play, interact with their peers, and develop crucial social and physical skills. I am committed to working alongside a dedicated team to ensure that the event is organized efficiently and that the children have a memorable and uplifting experience. I also see this as an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of equal access to play and the positive outcomes it can bring to underprivileged children. By focusing on this issue, I hope to inspire others to get involved and contribute to building a more inclusive and compassionate community.

LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

As CAS volunteers, it was our duty to plan and oversee various activities at BalMela. We started by determining our strengths in order to achieve this learning result. In order to make this event unforgettable for the kids, we had to evaluate the abilities and traits we have. Many of us developed our leadership skills as we managed teams and oversaw various activities, from sporting events to art and craft stations. When developing entertaining games and workshops, several people discovered their creative talent. We were able to take on certain duties inside the event and ensure the smooth and effective operation of everything by recognising these skills.

BalMela also offered a distinctive environment for us to identify opportunities for improvement. Working with children from disadvantaged backgrounds takes flexibility, understanding, and patience. We had difficulties and had to change our strategy to accommodate the children’s various requirements. As an illustration, some children were initially apprehensive and hesitant to engage in the activities. We had to come up with creative methods to interact with them and encourage them out of their shells. This forced us to improve our interpersonal and communication skills, enabling us to engage with the kids and foster a welcoming environment. Additionally, planning a large-scale event required us to strengthen our organisational and problem-solving abilities. High levels of planning were necessary for managing resources, coordinating with volunteers, and responding to unforeseen circumstances.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Challenges; As a volunteer at Balmela, I was confronted with numerous challenges that called for the development of new skills. First and foremost, effective communication was essential. Many of the children came from diverse linguistic backgrounds, and I had to learn to communicate with them in ways that transcended language barriers. This required patience, creativity, and adaptability on my part.

Another challenge I faced was organizing and coordinating various games and activities for the children. Ensuring that everyone was included and engaged was no small feat. I had to develop leadership and organizational skills to manage the different age groups and interests, and to ensure that the activities were both fun and educational.


I honed my teamwork skills by collaborating with other volunteers and organizers. We had to work seamlessly to ensure that each child had a memorable experience. This cooperative effort taught me the value of clear communication, compromise, and shared responsibility in achieving a common goal.

The event also demanded empathy and understanding. Interacting with children from underprivileged backgrounds opened my eyes to their challenges and hardships. This newfound awareness encouraged me to develop a more compassionate and empathetic outlook, enabling me to connect with the children on a deeper level.

Moreover, I discovered the importance of resilience. It wasn’t always smooth sailing; we encountered obstacles and unforeseen situations that tested our determination. Overcoming these challenges, whether it was adapting to unexpected weather or resolving conflicts among the children, helped me develop resilience and problem-solving abilities.

Learning Outcome 3: Initiate and Plan a CAS Experience

Before diving into the impact Balmela had on these kids and myself, it’s important to understand the first step of CAS: initiating and planning the experience. Balmela doesn’t just happen; it’s the result of careful planning and dedication. This event began with an idea – a vision to provide a day of sheer joy to children who might not often get to experience it.

My role in this was as a volunteer. I had to initiate and brainstorm ideas with my team mates and come up with activities that could be engaging, set clear objectives, and identify the resources required. It involved contacting local schools and NGOs, arranging for games and activities, and mobilizing volunteers.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Commitment; From the moment I heard about Bal Mela, I was deeply committed to making it a memorable day for these children. My commitment started with volunteering my time and resources to ensure the event’s success. It was not just about showing up; it was about dedicating myself to a cause that I felt passionate about. The commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of these underprivileged children was my driving force.

Perseverance; At Balmela, I’ve encountered various challenges, from language barriers to managing a diverse group of children with unique needs and abilities. There have been moments of frustration and self-doubt, but these experiences have taught me the value of perseverance. I’ve learned to adapt, develop patience, and find innovative ways to engage with the children effectively. Perseverance also involves addressing setbacks. Some children face difficult life circumstances, and their participation can be inconsistent. Through these challenges, I’ve realized the importance of being a consistent and reliable presence in their lives. This perseverance has not only impacted my CAS experience but has been a source of inspiration for the children, showcasing the significance of resilience in the face of adversity.

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

The Bal Mela places a strong emphasis on cooperation and teamwork, which is one of its most notable features. Children from varied backgrounds gather to play games and engage in activities. Through this, players gain valuable life skills in addition to enjoying the games, such as:  Bal Mela emphasises the notion that we can accomplish more when we work together. For sports like tug-of-war, relay races, and football, kids are separated into teams. . The unique talents and contributions of every child are recognised, promoting a sense of inclusiveness. Collaboration skills are developed during Bal Mela for reasons that go beyond the festival. These experiences and abilities are carried over into the children’s daily lives, boosting their personal development and chances for the future. They appreciate the benefits of teamwork in their education, families, and communities as well as in games. Bal Mela serves as a launching pad for their growth as responsible, empathetic, and well-rounded people.

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance 

First of all, balmela generally encourages international understanding and embraces ethnic diversity. We actively participated in and contributed to the planning of such events, which allows us to interact with the worldwide issue of intercultural cooperation. We developed venues for people of all backgrounds to share their cultures, generating a sense of camaraderie and empathy among participants, which was essential for resolving universal problems like discrimination.

Balmela can also offer a chance to spread awareness about many world problems. Further in future we can use this platform to plan lectures, workshops, or exhibitions about topics including global health, gender equality, poverty, and climate change. By doing this, individuals not only inform themselves and their peers about these concerns, but also take practical steps to address them.

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

The ethical decisions also apply to the Balmela’s cultural aspects. Organisers frequently used games, performances, and art to highlight various cultures. Maintaining cultural sensitivity and respect requires understanding the ethics of these decisions. We made sure of cultural appropriation and also that cultures were accurately and respectfully represented in order to foster intercultural harmony and understanding.

Another ethical consideration is how the event may affect the environment. Making decisions on waste management, resource usage, and the event’s overall sustainability is crucial. Recognising the morality of these decisions entails reducing environmental harm and fostering good resource management.

Last but not least, ethical issues also cover how volunteers, participants, and visitors are handled. The importance of fairness, respect, and inclusivity was not underestimated by pupils.

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