Sudoku and Beyond Club Project

Me and my peers have been solving logic puzzles and challenging sudokus for a long time and we wanted to share this experience with others who might be interested in solving logic-based problems. Hence we planned on creating a club to invite people in this endeavor of solving puzzles using math, logic and critical thinking. I organized and managed the club along with 2 of my peers. We collaboratively planned the sessions and choose a list of puzzles suitable for the members of the club with the puzzles increasing in difficulty for each session.

LO1(Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)-

This experience made me reflect on my strengths and weaknesses. I am good at solving logic puzzles which I used to help the club members keep up with the difficulty of the puzzles. However, my weakness is that I take more time to solve these puzzles, which I overcame in this club since we solved the puzzles together and everyone had something or the other to share, making the process quick. This experience showed me that I have a few strengths and weaknesses and that I can overcome my weaknesses my collaborating with others and learning from them.

LO2(Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills)-

The puzzles themselves were very challenging since we choose them to be that way. Even with multiple people solving, we sometimes got stuck and couldn’t complete a puzzle in 1 session. This made us further develop our critical thinking skills. Understanding the level of each member was difficult at first however everyone was participative and did whatever they could according to their skill level making us understand them better and give puzzles accordingly.

LO3(Initiate and plan a CAS experience)-

We had to do a lot of preliminary planning, choosing puzzles that were appropriate, managing our time appropriately and having meetings to discuss our plans. We had to create a flow of the sessions and roll out forms to attract possible participants.

LO4(Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience)-

We had to show commitment towards the club by holding sessions each week and finding challenging puzzles for these sessions. We took out time from our schedules to prepare for club sessions and held them during school hours every week.

LO5(Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively)-

Since the 3 of us were managing the club, operations went on smoothly as we divided our roles and responsibilities. All the planning of the club was completed quickly and efficiently. We also worked collaboratively to solve the puzzles, giving everyone opportunities to make their guesses, giving appropriate reasons for them. This way, we were able to solve the puzzles more quickly and have fruitful club sessions as well.

While planning for the club sessions and in the club sessions we demonstrated the following learner profile attributes:

Thinkers- Critical thinking skills for solving the puzzles since they were very challenging and forced us to critically use the given rules and deduce answers and patterns. Creative thinking skills were used while selecting the puzzles, since we needed puzzles that were fun, followed different rules, and were challenging.

Communicators- Communicating with the my peers and with the club members to solve the puzzles through effective and efficient communication.

Inquirer- We asked questions about the rules, the way the puzzle is designed and on the answers given by club members, knowing the reasoning behind their choice of a number or a pattern.

The club was a success since all the members enjoyed being part of the club. Many members learnt new things while others had a great time working their brains and trying to come up with solutions. We all developed critical thinking, creative thinking, communication, logic and inquiry skills and had a fun time together.

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