Global Odessey 3.0

Global Odessey was a student led event. This event was led by economics and business management students. Everything in the event was done by the students from decoration to handling stalls. There was a team specifically made for decoration of the event. I was a part of the decor team. We decided the theme for the event and decorated the whole venue. BOHO was the theme so we came up with a lot of ideas and together made the final decision and created the BOHO Flea.

LO-4 Showing perseverance and commitment in a CAS experience

We were all commited to the work we were given we didnt have a lot of time at the end so we were under a time constraint. We had to complete the decoration of the whole venue by 22nd Feb. and we put in our efforts and by totally committing to the work we did it. We had to work fast and efficiently, we missed some of our study slots, all of us came early in so that we could complete the job we were committed to.

LO-5  Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

I have learned one thing by this CAS experience that organising a event like this isnt a one man job, teamwork is the most important thing to make an event successful. Everyone worked together helped each other wherever needed, students worked collaboratively while decorating the venue. There were certain tasks that couldnt have been done alone by a single student so we worked together helped each other. Like when we needed to hang decorative materials high up on the pole. Working collaboratively increased the efficiency and helped us get work done faster.

LO-6 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance 

The materials that we used to make our. decorative items were made out of brown paper which were discarded and other materials that were of no use anymore but we used it to make our items. The resources we used were in match with the theme. We reused a significant amount of resources which promoted sustainable use of resources.


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