Learning finance by club provided by school. (Personal Finance and investing)

During my time in school, I enrolled in a 6-month course on finance and investing. The course was comprehensive, covering topics such as budgeting, savings, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. One of the most valuable lessons I learned was the importance of setting financial goals. We were taught to set both short-term and long-term financial goals, and to make a plan for achieving them. This helped me to become more disciplined with my spending and savings habits. Another important aspect of the course was learning about different investment options. We were taught how to evaluate stocks and bonds, and how to determine which mutual funds would be the most suitable for our investment goals. Throughout the course, we also had the opportunity to participate in simulations of real-life investment scenarios. This helped to bring the concepts we learned in class to life and gave us a practical understanding of the risks and rewards associated with investing. Overall, the course provided me with a strong foundation in personal finance and investing, which has been invaluable in managing my own finances and making informed investment decisions.

Learning about finances and investing can be very beneficial to me in the future and may aid in improving my capacity for skill-based decision-making. This will be useful to me in many situations, and I will benefit greatly from knowing about finances at such an early age. Also, as a result of this course, I have also begun investing, which is another excellent benefit. I have also learnt a lot from it, and it has also aided me in beginning to invest.

LO’s met :

LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

During the 6-month financial internship, I overcame many challenges, honed my analytical skills, honed my financial modeling skills, and deepened my understanding of business trends. These experiences improved my judgment and prepared me to deal with real-world financial situations.

LO 5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

In my 6-month finance course, collaboration was key. I navigated group projects, shared insights, and contributed actively to discussions. Together, we tackled challenges, fostering a collective learning experience.

Teacher Incharge : Nisarg Sojitara

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