Bal Mela

Bal Mela was a student-led event, where 17 government school students came to our school. They were here to experience activities like dance, sports, and games. I volunteered in this event and was in charge of clay modelling.

LO-1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

At first, I faced some problems in clay modelling, but I practised a little before the event, so i could teach other kids clay modelling. While teaching them even my skills improved gradually throughout the event. During this event i developed a new skill.

LO-2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

The challenge that i faced was language. As the kids were used to communicate in gujarati, I am not that fluent in speaking gujarati, so i had to get out of my comfort zone and try to communicate with them in gujarati. This helped me get a little more fluent in gujarati and improved my communication skills in a new language.

LO-5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Throughout the event i realised that these kinds of events need a lot of management and its not a one man job. Nobody can handle all of this alone. Me and my friends together managed the kids and taught them clay modelling. We wouldn’t have been able to do it on our own because there were a lot of kids to teach. As we worked together we realised the benefits of working together and accomplish


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