Composing and producing a song

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I’ve always known how to play guitar and instruments, however I’ve never learned about the technical part of music. I believe that in order to learn more about producing music, I will have to learn about music softwares and how to use them. I have never used any technical and complex software before, so this was going to be a challenge for me. However, I already knew about chords and notes, so I will have to bridge the gap between technical and theoretical parts of music that I understand.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

Like stated above, I never had dealt with any complex software. Initially, all the buttons on the software just overwhelmed me. The technical terms and functions of everything were also new to me. So not only did I have to learn to identify what adjustments I needed to make in my production, which tools I needed to use and how to use them.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience

When I had to think of a cas experience for creativity, I thought of what skill I needed to polish my knowledge of music. I immediately thought of taking this up as a cas experience and enhancing my technical knowledge of softwares and audio engineering. 

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Like stated in the LO2 of this reflection, there are a lot of skills that I needed to develop to be able to produce professionally. Even though I had guidance from a professional producer, it still took me a huge amount of time learning how to produce properly and a lot of youtube tutorials of small parts of the function. Despite the difficulties, i was able to create a musical piece through determination and learning new things.

(Please note the vocals used are tweaked samples readily available with added effects and is not mine, everything except that including the mixing and mastering is done by me through the logic pro x software )

(heres me and the audio engineer teaching me)

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