Rubik’s Cube Club (CAS project)

For a considerable span of time, my fascination with Rubik’s Cubes ignited an unquenchable thirst for knowledge regarding their diverse types and intricate mechanisms. As I delved deeper into this realm, I found myself conquering various cube variants, yet my hunger for learning remained insatiable. It was during this journey that I felt compelled to establish a Rubik’s Cube club within my school, driven by the desire to not only satisfy my own curiosity but also to extend the opportunity to fellow enthusiasts who, like me, yearned to unravel the mysteries of these captivating puzzles but had never been presented with the chance to do so.

LO 1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

At the outset, I recognized my strengths, which primarily lay in my comprehensive knowledge of various Rubik’s Cube variants, including the 3×3, 4×4, 5×5, and beyond. However, I was acutely aware that there was still much more to learn and discover in this fascinating domain. Additionally, I acknowledged the importance of honing other critical skills, such as communication, which would be pivotal in my role as a Rubik’s Cube enthusiast and club founder.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I encountered several challenges along the way, each presenting a unique set of hurdles to overcome. These obstacles included the logistical task of organizing and structuring the club, the initial struggle to attract like-minded individuals who shared a genuine interest in Rubik’s Cubes, the quest to devise an effective and accessible teaching methodology for introducing cube-solving to others, the compilation of strategies and techniques to impart valuable knowledge, and the meticulous preparation of topics and content to be delivered within the club’s educational framework.

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Our CAS experience was meticulously mapped out, covering every aspect from the core activities to the comprehensive curriculum encompassing various Rubik’s Cube models, strategies, and techniques. In addition to structured learning, we also orchestrated competitive events within the club. These friendly competitions allowed participants to apply their newfound knowledge and skills, challenging each other to demonstrate their proficiency and showcasing the practical impact of our teachings.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

The essence of my journey was rooted in steadfast dedication and relentless persistence. Despite the demands of school and other responsibilities, I remained fully committed to the club’s objectives. We endured through challenging periods, ensuring the continuation of our meetings and activities. This unwavering commitment symbolized my determination to foster and propel our club towards success.

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Driven by an unyielding fascination with Rubik’s Cubes, I embarked on a journey that extended beyond personal curiosity to establish a Rubik’s Cube club within my school. In doing so, I demonstrated collaborative skills through leadership and initiative, fostering inclusivity by creating a community for fellow enthusiasts. This venture not only involved knowledge sharing and mentorship but also highlighted the benefits of teamwork as the club engaged in collaborative activities to enhance our skills collectively. Beyond satisfying individual curiosities, the Rubik’s Cube club became a platform for shared exploration, emphasizing the intrinsic value of working collaboratively and the communal joy derived from unraveling the mysteries of these captivating puzzles.


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