Photography Club- CAS Project

The inception of the Photography Club at our school emerged from a simple, yet profound love for photography shared by me and two other co-founders. We envisioned this club as a haven for students in grades 9 to 12 to explore the realms of photography, starting from the basics, delving into composition, and touching upon editing techniques. This reflection aims to delve into three key learning outcomes: LO1 – Identifying one’s strengths and areas for growth, LO4 – Showcasing commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences, and LO5 – Demonstrating collaborative skills and recognizing the benefits therein.

LO1: Identifying One’s Strengths and Areas for Growth
The journey began with a modest assessment of our strengths and the identification of areas that required growth. My familiarity with photography was primarily a solitary hobby until the formation of this club. Teaching the basics of photography unveiled a new horizon of understanding and improvement for me. We, the co-founders, systematically divided the curriculum based on our respective strengths, which enriched the learning experience for the members and facilitated our personal growth in adapting to new teaching methodologies.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

In my CAS project with the photography club, I showed that I could start and plan things well. I took charge of arranging club meetings, where we worked together to set goals and decide what each person and the group should learn. I also organized photography trips and workshops, making sure everyone had chances to improve their skills. By getting feedback and making changes as needed, I made sure our club was friendly and lively, proving my skill in planning and running a successful CAS project.

LO4: Showcasing Commitment and Perseverance in CAS Experiences
The task of establishing and maintaining the Photography Club required a steadfast commitment and perseverance. Organizing regular meetings, orchestrating interactive sessions, and ensuring a conducive learning atmosphere were parts of our responsibility. The journey, though rewarding, was peppered with challenges such as differing opinions on club activities and managing schedules alongside academic commitments. The joy of seeing club members blossom into budding photographers propelled us to navigate through these challenges with a determined spirit.

LO2: Undertaking New Challenges and Developing New Skills

Venturing into the realm of educating others presented a new set of challenges and a horizon to develop new skills. Prior to this initiative, my experience in photography was purely practical. However, transmuting personal knowledge into an educational curriculum demanded a deeper understanding of the theoretical aspects of photography, including the technical and compositional nuances. Each session demanded thorough preparation, ensuring the clarity and simplicity of the conveyed concepts to cater to the varied understanding levels of our club members

LO5: Demonstrating Collaborative Skills and Recognizing the Benefits Therein
Collaboration was the essence of our venture. The harmonious interaction among the co-founders and the club members created a fertile ground for learning and creativity. Sharing responsibilities, having open discussions to enhance our club’s activities, and making collective decisions highlighted the importance and benefits of working together.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

Looking back, the establishment of the Photography Club was a journey filled with learning, teamwork, and self-improvement. It embodied the ideals of CAS, demonstrating how a shared passion could transform into an empowering platform of learning and creativity. Through this initiative, I not only refined my photography and teaching skills but also garnered vital life lessons on teamwork, resilience, and the immense potential embedded in collaborative efforts

Looking back, the establishment of the Photography Club was a journey filled with learning, teamwork, and self-improvement. It embodied the ideals of CAS, demonstrating how a shared passion could transform into an empowering platform of learning and creativity. Through this initiative, I not only refined my photography and teaching skills but also garnered vital life lessons on teamwork, resilience, and the immense potential embedded in collaborative efforts

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