FSMUN – Creativity

Participating in FSMUN’s Lok Sabha committee last year was a transformative journey into the heart of parliamentary simulation. As the delegate representing Piyush Goyal from the ruling party, the conference, themed around the ‘Privatization of Public Assets,’ was a dynamic arena where intellect and creativity converged.

The event was more than a mere conference; it was an immersive experience that pushed me beyond my comfort zone. Researching, processing information, and constructing bold arguments became second nature. FSMUN not only honed 21st-century skills like articulate speaking, meticulous research, and strategic thinking but also acted as a crucible for overcoming the fear of public speaking.

The social aspects of FSMUN were equally impactful, fostering a network with delegates from diverse backgrounds. The camaraderie extended beyond committee sessions into socials, turning the event into a melting pot of ideas and connections.

FSMUN was a celebration of creativity as diverse perspectives converged to form comprehensive solutions. The conference, though intense in debates, was equally rich in laughter and bonds forged. FSMUN emerged not just as an academic simulation but as a powerful catalyst that nurtured creativity, broadened horizons, and sculpted a more confident and capable version of myself. It stands testament to the transformative potential of Model United Nations in shaping individuals ready to navigate the complexities of the real world with informed perspectives and creative thinking.

LO 1 – Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth: 

Participating in FSMUN allowed me to identify my strengths and areas for growth. While research came naturally to me, public speaking was an area of apprehension. Through the challenging committee sessions, I recognized the need to develop my communication skills. FSMUN became a platform to not just showcase my strengths but also to actively work on refining areas that required growth. It was an exercise in self-awareness and personal development. The MUN called upon the research skills and existing knowledge to drive forward the parliamentary discussions, such which I discovered were my key strengths however, soon came the realization that one cannot know everything and thus the conference required me to come with an open-mind to listen to what others have to say, showcasing the IB Learner Profile Open-minded and Knowledgeable.

LO 6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance:

Engaging with the theme ‘Privatization of Public Assets’ within the Lok Sabha committee ensured a direct encounter with issues of global significance. The conference was not just a theoretical exercise; it demanded a practical understanding of economic, social, and political implications. FSMUN facilitated a deeper engagement with global issues by encouraging delegates to propose viable solutions and policies, fostering a sense of responsibility toward addressing challenges with a global impact. As a result we catered to the SDG 7: Decent work and economic growth, by discussing the welfare of stakeholders following an economic policy. This process fostered the IB Learner Profile Thinker as it demanded critical thinking to bring upon practical and realistic solutions for the prevailing issues.

LO 7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions:

In such a parliamentary simulation, ethical considerations were omnipresent. FSMUN required a careful balance between representing a political figure, navigating policy decisions, and considering the ethical implications of choices. We were forced to consider the interplay of economic decisions, policy makers, and the involvement of various stakeholders. WHen asked to weigh the significance of a policy on the economy positively or its impact on the citizens negatively, we were faced with an ethical dilemma. This experience instilled a heightened awareness of the ethical dimensions inherent in decision-making processes. This Triggered the IB learner Profile Principled within me, whom I referred to to make a conscious and morally right decision. 

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