Learning to play a song on the keyboard

I have enjoyed playing the keyboard for many years but had to stop playing for some time. However, thanks to CAS, I got a chance to restart my keyboard playing. To do so, I began by practicing the basics, from pressing keys to learning to read notes, chords, and chord progressions. This helped me regain my muscle memory and become more efficient at learning songs. After a few days of practice, I searched for an easy song and decided on “Believer” since it was familiar and not too difficult to learn. With practice, I can now play it proficiently.

LO1: My strength was my prior knowledge about the keyboard, which helped me regain my muscle memory quickly. I also improved my understanding of chords and chord progressions.

LO2: I faced various challenges, such as finding time to practice and struggling with chords. I overcame these challenges by watching tutorial videos and doing research. I also reconnected with my keyboard tutor who taught me to play and he to helped me improve by pointing out mistakes and giving suggestions.

LO3: To plan this CAS experience, I had to find effective practice exercises, create a daily plan, and schedule time to learn the song. I also adapted my schedule to expand my skill set.

LO4: I was committed to this CAS experience, practicing vigorously multiple times a week for two months. I faced and found solutions to various challenges, which ultimately improved my keyboard skills.

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