Basketball- PS

I have always had a great interest in the sport of Basketball, and even started playing a few years ago. This interest is the reason why I started playing in the PS classes, and doing so has improved my skills and playing style.


LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

The more time I spent playing, the more I was able to improve. I was also able to get feedback on how I could do better from my teammates and coaches. This helped me cover up my flaws and improve my strengths.


LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

The challenge that I faced was a lack of stamina. Basketball is a sport that requires players to sprint up and down the court and jump to take and block shots, doing this continuously can be a task, especially for someone who leads a sedentary lifestyle. So to play for longer durations I had to try my best to conserve my energy during the game while I worked on my cardiovascular health separately.


LO4: Show perseverance and commitment to CAS experience

I have been playing for a very long time now and have improved myself so much that I have represented the school in many tournaments. This was only possible because I showed commitment toward the game and myself. It is essential that you show commitment toward the thing that you want to pursue as only then will you achieve it.

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