Learning Python (Coding)

Coding is a crucial talent that supports logical, algorithmic, and problem-solving abilities. Since everything in the modern world is online and related to coding. I’ve always wanted to learn how to code. Coding is a technology that advances the globe. Python is used to construct websites, software, and data analysis, all of which are hot topics right now. There are also many other coding languages which is present right now.

LO:1 Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

It’s crucial for me to see my strengths and areas for development as a Python developer still learning the language in order to keep getting better at what I do. My capacity for logical thought and the ability to deconstruct challenging situations into simpler ones is one of my strong points. However, one skill I wish to improve is my capacity for teamwork on bigger tasks. By clearly explaining my code and aggressively seeking input from other Python developers, I’ve been attempting to improve my communication abilities. I’m also trying to improve my knowledge of version control programmes like Git so I can contribute more effectively to bigger projects. I can become a more well-rounded Python coder by emphasising my advantages and aggressively working on my weaknesses.

LO:2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in this process.

As I progressed in my learning of Python, I came into a number of difficulties that put my capacity for problem-solving to the test and necessitated the creation of fresh strategies for handling challenging jobs. One of these difficulties was creating a web scraper to extract data from a website, which required overcoming several obstacles such avoiding bot detection and dealing with parsing issues. Nevertheless, I persisted via trial and error, finally getting through these challenges and making a useful scraper that met my requirements. As a result, I improved my Python skills while also gaining valuable experience dealing with problems and adjusting to new circumstances.

LO:4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS Experience.

I am a Python coder who is still learning the value of commitment and perseverance. One must persevere through the challenging times and never give up in order to completely immerse themselves in the field of computer science. A committed and persistent approach is essential whether learning a new programming topic, working on a team project, or taking part in a coding competition. By demonstrating a strong dedication to these experiences, students can position themselves for success in their future endeavours. The CAS programme offers a special chance to explore new interests and acquire useful skills outside of the typical classroom.


A key concept is learner profile thinking, and Python may be an effective tool for developing these abilities. Python may help students acquire critical thinking skills, problem-solving techniques, and effective communication techniques that will help them in their academic and professional careers by encouraging them to be inquirers, thinkers, and communicators.

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