Community service

The school’s community service program provided us with an excellent opportunity to understand and bond with children who are not as fortunate as us and whose parents cannot give them the highest quality education possible. It was a very amazing event that took place every weekend for three weeks and allowed us to spend some time and help them develop their skills. I’ve always wanted to help children and work with them, and this program provided the perfect chance.

LO4- Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

The part that made this experience difficult was waking up early in the weekends as we only have 2 days of holiday where we can sleep till late but this experience required me to be committed and it was worth waking up early and sharing time with the kids.I felt really happy while doing this Experience as I love to spend time with kids.

LO5-Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 

Working with others is generally an easy task for me as I like to be with a team and help them and even like to listen different perspectives.For me it was quite easy to work in the team during the experience as It would help us to think of few different activities that could help them learn frisbee.

LO7-Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Sometimes during the experience I was not in the mood to teach them and started playing frisbee with other FS students but after some days I felt that I am doing this wrong I should teach the kids who have came to learn this sport and from there I heartily taught them frisbee.

At the end of the community service, I had not only taught those kids, but I had also learned a lot from them. They taught me to appreciate what I had and to be grateful for the chances that have come my way.

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