
Physical activity was something I was always fascinated about my main interest was playing cricket.Exercise at the gym is a great method to enhance health, and I’ve been wanting to take better care of myself for a while now. I’ve been reading about the advantages of working out for a while, and I decided that CAS would be a good time to start.


I came to understand that endurance is one of my assets and that it requires less effort to develop than strength.I came to the conclusion that one of my shortcomings is strength, and if I want to get the most out of my gym sessions, I must build and enhance my strength.


Managing my Cricket and Gym at the same time was a difficult task for me. I had also given myself the goal of being able to bench press 40 kg by the conclusion of my gym workouts. When I had to speak with my trainer about my daily progress, how my body felt, etc., communication skills were also strengthened. 


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