Global Odyssey

I took part in the Global Odyssey event, which was organized and carried out by BM & Eco students and teachers on February 23, 2023. The goal was to give students an insider’s view of how businesses work in the real world. We were able to choose and explore our areas of interest, from food to games. My teammates and I decided to take part in the event’s food category. As we served the audience the food that we had prepared, the experience was a part of the service and activity.

LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

I have generally learned about financing and accounting in a theoretical sense up until now. But the experience also taught me how to manage a business’s finances and helped me have an improved understanding of the same.

LO-3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Great preparation and hard work were required to get what was wanted. The entire procedure took place over the course of a month, starting with determining the best per-person investment, followed by product research and selection, price negotiation through the exploration of options, product organization and pricing, and marketing and sales of our service. Although it took a lot of time and effort, the process was worthwhile since it taught us important business ideas and improved our abilities in time management, teamwork, communication, and relationships with others.

LO-5 Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Everyone had to work really hard together as a team to successfully finish the event. Despite disagreements over plans, the event ran smoothly because of good communication. We all used our own skills to form a solid team and pull off a fantastic event.

LO-6 Engagement with issues of global significance.

Participating in the Global Odyssey event opened my eyes to global business dynamics. Exploration of the food category exposed us to different cuisines, highlighting the connection of cultures and economies and BM. This experience encouraged a deeper appreciation for global issues related to food production, distribution, and sustainability.

LO-7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Our business’s foundation is ethical business practices, and we place a high value on treating all of our customers fairly, sensibly, and impartially. We also made sure that our products were of the highest quality and offered at fair pricing. Additionally, as a sign of our commitment to social responsibility, we agreed to donate 5% of our profits to an NGO through our school for a good cause.

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