Plantation Drive

An organization called Grow Native Green Forum(GNGF) plants saplings throughout the city. In order to assist them and to do my part for the environment, I joined them and my friends to help them plant even more saplings on September 16, 2023. Together, we went on a plantation drive and planted 350 saplings.

LO-1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Participating in the plantation drive with GNGF allowed me to recognize my strengths in teamwork and collaboration. Working alongside friends and GNGF members, I felt the power of collective effort in pursuing a shared goal of environmental conservation. It also made me aware of my potential for leadership in similar initiatives, motivating me to further develop my leadership skills and environmental knowledge.

LO-3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Planning and initiating the GNGF plantation drive carefully was necessary. We started by working together with GNGF to comprehend their objectives and the project’s logistics. In order to do this, we had to work together with our friends and volunteers, gather the necessary supplies, and decide where to plant the trees. It was a useful lesson in problem-solving, project management, and the value of effective communication in assuring the success of a neighborhood-based environmental effort.

LO-7: Recognize and consider the ethical implications of choices and actions

The GNGF plantation drive highlighted an important component of our behavior. We weren’t simply planting saplings we were also doing our part to protect the environment and improve our neighborhood. To avoid harming the local ecosystem, we had to carefully choose the appropriate tree species for each place.

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