Mount Abu Trek

In December 2022, we embarked on a journey to Mount Abu, a picturesque village situated high in the Aravalli Range of Rajasthan, in the western region of India. This adventure encompassed a range of strenuous activities, including trekking, mountain climbing, caving, and more. Collectively, these experiences were both challenging and enjoyable, leaving an indelible mark on my growth as a learner, particularly in nurturing my risk-taking disposition. They taught me the importance of confronting challenges head-on and planning ahead.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

As a first-time traveler, I ventured into this journey with uncertainty. While engaging in activities such as hiking, rock climbing, and rappelling, I concentrated on understanding the techniques involved. Recognizing my limitations allowed me to transform them into strengths through dedicated effort and determination.

LOI 2: Demonstrated that challenges have been undertaken, and developing new skills was shown

On our initial excursion, I faced a daunting challenge, but I diligently sought to acquire the necessary skills, aware that the subsequent journeys would be even more exhilarating. This approach enabled me to maintain enthusiasm throughout the subsequent adventures.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

During our journey, we encountered various environmental and topographical obstacles. Nevertheless, my commitment to completing the journey remained unwavering. I persevered in navigating challenging terrains, including mountain climbing, refusing to give in to adversity.

LO-5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Post-journey, the organizers arranged team activities and events, fostering a spirit of cooperation among us. The active participation of our teachers further fueled our enthusiasm. These experiences honed my ability to work efficiently within a group, delivering results swiftly.

LO-7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Mount Abu’s tourism industry is renowned, yet it comes at the cost of the region’s natural beauty and ecosystem. We demonstrated conscientiousness by using resources judiciously, carrying a plastic bag to collect our waste, and refraining from littering or wasting water. Witnessing everyone take responsibility for potential harm to the ecosystem was heartening.

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