Rubik’s Cube Club

For a significant duration, my deep fascination with Rubik’s Cubes ignited an insatiable thirst for knowledge concerning their diverse varieties and intricate inner workings. As I delved further into this realm, I found myself mastering various cube iterations, yet my appetite for learning remained unquenchable. It was during this journey that I felt a strong urge to establish a Rubik’s Cube club within my school with my friends who are also interested in this. This drive stemmed from the desire not only to satisfy my own curiosity but also to extend this opportunity to fellow enthusiasts who, like me, longed to unravel the mysteries of these captivating puzzles but had never been presented with such a chance.

LO 1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

Initially, I acknowledged my strengths, primarily centered around my comprehensive knowledge of various Rubik’s Cube variations, including the 3×3, 4×4. Nonetheless, I remained keenly aware that there was still much more to explore and learn in this captivating domain. Moreover, I recognized the significance of refining other essential skills, such as effective communication, which would play a pivotal role in my capacity as a Rubik’s Cube enthusiast and club co-founder.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I encountered numerous challenges along this journey, each presenting a distinct set of obstacles to overcome. These challenges encompassed tasks like organizing and structuring the club, the initial struggle to attract like-minded individuals who genuinely shared an interest in Rubik’s Cubes, the pursuit of devising an effective and accessible teaching methodology for introducing cube-solving to others, the compilation of strategies and techniques to impart valuable knowledge, and the thorough preparation of topics and content to be delivered within the club’s educational framework.

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Our CAS experience was meticulously planned, encompassing all aspects ranging from core activities to a comprehensive curriculum covering various Rubik’s Cube models, strategies, and techniques. Alongside structured learning, we also orchestrated friendly competitive events within the club. These competitions allowed participants to apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills, challenging each other to showcase their proficiency and illustrating the practical impact of our teachings.

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