Gym Training

I’ve always had going to the gym on my list of resolutions for the new year. I wanted to build a better physique and become more powerful. Every time I had the slightest bit of motivation, I put off going to the gym. But now that I’ve started working out regularly (six days a week for about an hour), I can already tell a difference in myself. Consistently going to the gym has been ongoing for three months. My goal was to increase my strength as I was not able to squat 70 kgs properly even for 1 rep and my goal was to do squats for 80 kgs for 5 reps.

LO-1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

My journey to the gym started with an objective assessment of myself. I realized that in addition to building up my physical muscles, I also needed to improve my commitment and discipline. Over time, I realized that my strength went beyond the weights I lifted and also included the mental toughness required to maintain a strict workout schedule. This technique assisted me in recognizing my capabilities while emphasizing the need for ongoing development on both a physical and mental level.

LO-2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

The commitment to a demanding six-day-per-week workout schedule posed an important obstacle. It forced me out of my comfort zone and forced me to learn self-control, organization, and willpower. I developed new abilities as I went along in terms of healing, nutrition, and exercise methods. My ability to squat 80 kg for 5 reps, which I was initially unable to do, demonstrated not just my physical improvement but also my capacity to overcome obstacles and pick up new abilities.

LO-4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

My dedication to personal development and well-being was evidenced by my three-month streak of gym commitment. I continued despite unexpected falls in motivation because I understood that lasting change requires time. This passion went beyond simply physical change it represented my commitment to always bettering myself in every aspect of life. It serves as proof of the value of determination and dedication in accomplishing one’s objectives.

LO-6: Engagement with issues of global significance

Despite the fact that my fitness path may appear private, it is connected to the worldwide problem of general health and well-being. My dedication to daily physical activity and fitness marks a tiny but significant step toward solving this global issue in a world where lazy lifestyles and unhealthy lifestyle choices are becoming more and more common. I’m setting an example and creating a better, more empowered society by placing a high priority on my health and well-being.

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