CAS Project – FFC Football Cup

Undertaking the formidable task of orchestrating the FFC Football Cup, Friends Football Club (FFC) transformed this initiative into a comprehensive CAS project embodying the principles of Creativity, Action, and Service. Unfolding on July 1st and 2nd at Rebounce Turf in Surat, the tournament stood as a testament to our shared commitment and fervor.

It was a month-long planning process marked by spirited discussions and brainstorming sessions. Diverse ideas converged to craft an engaging and visually captivating football spectacle, from innovating the tournament format to designing compelling promotional materials. Creativity emerged as the driving force shaping the unique identity of the FFC Football Cup.

Securing sponsorships was certainly challenging. Persuasive communication skills and unwavering conviction were essential as we sought financial support. It symbolized a collective dedication to community engagement and the fostering of sportsmanship.

Over 10 teams participated in the open-category event, showcasing thrilling football battles. Unexpected challenges, like extreme rainfall on the event day, tested our adaptability and resilience. Swift action was imperative to ensure participant safety and the seamless continuation of the tournament, reinforcing the significance of quick decision-making in dynamic situations.

The success of the FFC Football Cup echoed across social media, highlighting the impact of our collaborative endeavors. Beyond tangible rewards, such as a substantial cash prize and trophies, the project imparted invaluable lessons in teamwork, effective management, and the indomitable spirit of a group united by a common goal.

LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills:

The journey of organizing the FFC Football Cup was rife with challenges, from convincing sponsors to navigating unforeseen weather disruptions. In tackling these hurdles, each team member developed resilience and adaptability. The unexpected extreme rainfall on the event day required quick thinking and problem-solving skills, showcasing our ability to face and overcome challenges, this is how I showcased IB Learner Profile Thinker. This experience enhanced our organizational and leadership skills, illustrating a tangible growth in our capacity to handle complexities. 

LO 3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience:

The FFC Football Cup stands as a testament to our proficiency in initiating and planning a CAS experience. Over a meticulous month-long planning phase, we collectively conceptualized the tournament, designed promotional materials, and strategized to engage sponsors. This process involved detailed discussions, debates, and decision-making, showcasing our ability to initiate, organize, and execute a complex CAS project. The event’s success underscores our competence in translating ideas into action through effective planning.

LO 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in activities:

 Our commitment to the FFC Football Cup was unwavering. From the initial ideation stage to dealing with unforeseen challenges on the event day, each team member exhibited perseverance. The perseverance demonstrated in securing sponsorships, despite initial rejections, underscored our dedication to the project. This commitment and determination were pivotal in navigating the complexities of organizing a successful tournament, showcasing our steadfast approach to CAS activities.

LO 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively:

Collaboration was at the heart of the FFC Football Cup. The diverse set of skills among team members, ranging from creative thinking to effective communication, culminated in a harmonious collective effort. The success of the tournament is a testament to the benefits of collaborative work, emphasizing the power of pooling talents to achieve a common goal. This is testament to how I demonstrated the IB Learner Profile Communicator, Open-Minded. Through this experience, we not only honed our individual skills but also recognized the immense value of teamwork in accomplishing ambitious projects within the CAS framework.

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