We planned, arranged, and set up an event for the 12th graders as part of the Farewell project that grade 11 students did for their seniors. The seniors had the opportunity to take a trip down memory lane and reminisce their early years in Fountainhead. In addition, we juniors and professors wish them luck as they go goodbye.

I enjoyed working with my peers to plan Farewell as a memorable occasion. to demonstrate the enormous amount of effort that everyone put in to make this event successful. The planning that went into the decorations, activities, food, music, dance, speeches, and many other things paid off.

LO-1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth .

I was part of the decoration team for the events held at the Frisbee ground. I had limited knowledge about event decoration, so this was a new experience for me. It was important to make it special for the seniors since they held a special place in my heart. I had to brainstorm ideas for the decoration, and fortunately, they suggested a “Cold Play” theme, which was very helpful. We had to create everything from scratch, including games, in order to make the event truly memorable for them.

LO4:- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

Our project demanded unwavering commitment and perseverance, as we had a strict deadline to meet and the entire venue needed to be prepared. In addition to this, I had to enhance my time management abilities, as there were numerous assessments scheduled during the preparation period. Balancing both responsibilities was essential. Given my previous challenges with time management, I saw this as a chance to refine my skills in this area.

LO-7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

The school initially informed us that we couldn’t simply order all the equipment and had to create everything ourselves, which turned out to be a valuable lesson in resource management. At the time, we may have thought that ordering items would be quicker and easier, but we later understood the school’s rationale. Opting for the quick purchase route would not only have been wasteful in terms of resources but also financially inefficient, as the items would likely have been discarded after a single use. By crafting the items ourselves, we not only reduced waste but also made the event more sustainable. Remarkably, we were able to maintain a high-quality appearance for the event while keeping it environmentally responsible.

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