Freshers Party

Every year the school organizes an event for students who complete their IB MYP and step into the IBDP curriculum. To welcome them, this event is organized and as an volunteer for the event, I was one of the members who made this event possible. Through this CAS experience, I was able to demonstrate and improve my communication and social skills which is an important virtue in life beyond school. Organizing a freshers party for juniors is an exciting opportunity to welcome new students, foster a sense of belonging, and create lasting memories. Therefore, I really enjoyed completing this experience.

LO1:- Organizing a Freshers Party allows us as students to identify our strengths in event planning, communication, leadership, and organization. It also helps us recognize areas for growth, such as time management, teamwork, and adaptability. My personal strength was to manage the games which is the reason I was planning some of the games that were played by the juniors on the day of the event. Time was a constraint that hindered our preparations as tasks such as decoration of the venue, sending invitations and planning the games were left while there were only 2-3 days in hand. Though we came up with solutions and made this event successful.

LO2:- By taking on the responsibility of organizing a Freshers Party, we students demonstrated our willingness to face challenges. We learn to overcome obstacles like coordinating with various stakeholders, and managing unexpected situations during the event. On the day of the event, some of the students were not present which led to an unexpected change and therefore, we had to manage their roles as well and due to unprepared situations we did face a bit challenges but we were proud for doing the same.

LO3:- The Freshers Party provides an opportunity for us as students to initiate and plan an event from scratch. We learn how to generate ideas, set goals, assign tasks, and create a timeline. These planning skills are essential for future endeavors and personal development. Freshers party is a huge event and without proper plan, it could have not been possible to make this event happen so therefore this experience did teach me the importance of creating plans and timelines and following the same.

LO4:- Organizing a Freshers Party requires commitment and perseverance. Myself as a student must dedicate time and effort to ensure the success of the event. I learned to manage my time effectively, prioritize tasks, and remain focused on their goals. Though there were assignments, assessments and other academic tasks pending I did take some time out for the event which shows my dedication and while the event was on going, my presence in the event rather than in the class showed my perseverance for the same.

LO5:- To organize a Freshers Party, we students must collaborate with our peers, teachers, and other stakeholders. I demonstrated communication skills effectively, fulfilled delegate responsibilities, and valued diverse opinions. Collaborative work enhances teamwork, mutual respect, and the ability to achieve common objectives. We as a team were able to collaborate with each other and therefore we were successful in expressing ideas with each other which is the time when I was able to work collaboratively and learn this skill as well.

Organizing a Freshers Party for juniors provides an engaging and fulfilling way for me as a students to fulfill multiple CAS learning objectives. Through this experience, I develop my strengths, face challenges, plan effectively, demonstrate commitment, and collaborate with others. By actively participating in the CAS program, I gained valuable skills and contribute to my personal growth while making a positive impact on my school community.

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