
In this CAS experience, I was given the opportunity to test my physical endurance and enhance it with regular practice. Also, by running the hormone dopamine is released which helps me in managing stress and that’s why I chose it as my CAS experience.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth 

My strengths are that I can run long distances like 5 km and in the meantime, I was also doing some core exercises that helped me a lot. But running continuously for 5 km without stopping was a big challenge for me as I ran out of breath very quickly and my pace of running was not static I needed to take a break. 

 LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

For the marathon, I had to prepare, but as I was practicing, I often felt fatigued and was not able to carry on here is where the stretching component came in, while doing stretching, I felt a bit relaxed and was able to do the practice to some extent. So, I also started to train myself by doing cardio exercises. Eventually, I developed endurance as the exercises got intense.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

For the marathon, planning was needed as we had a tightly packed schedule and exercise was nearly not possible but I took some time from my schedule and did exercise starting with cardio. The cardio exercises were tough to do but eventually, I overcame that challenge and did well in the marathon.


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