Farewell 2023- Core Committee Member – CAS project

My role as the Decor Head for the Farewell 2023 event has been a remarkable experience within the framework of Creativity, Activity. It allowed me to demonstrate my skills, commitment, and dedication while working towards fulfilling the CAS Learning Outcomes 2, 4, and 7. This event will forever hold a special place in the hearts of not only me but the entire farewell team. It’s wasn’t just about the responsibilities; it’s about the memories we created while learning new skills and bidding farewell to our fellow seniors.

Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrating Challenges and Developing New Skills:

In my perspective, the seniors for whom the farewell was organised, games and eecor was bigger factor than any other aspect. To reach the expectations of our teachers and the seniors was our biggest goal Hoever, every project comes with its unique set of challenges, and leading the decor team for Farewell 2023 was no exception.

  • Conceptualization: The first challenge was to brainstorm and create a visually appealing theme that would resonate with the graduating class and was different form the past years themes. This required a blend of creativity and problem-solving skills. While more than 20 people as voulenteers in the team, to mix in theideas of each and every member and create an distinctive farewell theme was a bigger challange.
  • Budget Management: Staying within the allocated budget was crucial. I had to learn to make cost-effective choices without compromising the quality and aesthetics of the decor. The initial budget allocated to the decor team appeared to be quite limited at first glance.
  • Leadership: Leading a team of decorators meant developing leadership and communication skills. I had to ensure that the vision was clear, and everyone was on the same page regarding the design and execution.

Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience:

  • Collaboration was at the core of our success in creating a memorable farewell event. Working closely with fellow CAS participants, teachers, and event organizers allowed for the exchange of ideas and resources, enriching the overall experience. Whether it was collaborating with the venue management for logistics or coordinating with the entertainment team for a cohesive theme, effective collaboration ensured synergy among all stakeholders. By valuing diverse perspectives and leveraging collective strengths, we were able to deliver an inclusive and engaging farewell celebration, exemplifying the significance of collaboration in achieving shared objectives.

Learning Outcome 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively:

  • Planning was a fundamental aspect of orchestrating the Farewell 2023 event. From setting timelines for brainstorming sessions to coordinating decor setup, effective planning ensured the smooth execution of the project. Initiating discussions and delegating tasks within the decor team fostered a sense of ownership and responsibility among members. By adhering to a well-structured plan, we were able to navigate challenges and achieve our goals efficiently, demonstrating proficiency in planning and initiation skills.

Learning Outcome 4: Commitment and Perseverance:

As the Decor Head, commitment and perseverance were non-negotiable.

  • Long Hours: There were days when we worked late into the night to bring our vision to life. This required dedication and a willingness to go the extra mile while leaving our acedemic work besides and putting full efforts with a sense of happiness into the work of decor.
  • Adaptability: Plans don’t always go as expected. We encountered unexpected challenges like changes in venue arrangements and last-minute design alterations. Adapting to these situations while maintaining enthusiasm was crucial.
  • Team Support: My commitment also extended to supporting and motivating the decor team. Building a sense of teamwork was essential for the project’s success.

Learning Outcome 7: Recognizing and Considering the Ethics of Choices and Actions:

In the role of Decor Head, ethical considerations were paramount.

  • Sustainability: From the very start, as a decor team we always had sustaiability as a key factor while ensuring that the asthetics aren’t hampared. We aimed to make eco-friendly decor choices, reducing our environmental impact. This included using recyclable materials and minimizing waste.
  • Inclusivity: We ensured that our decor was inclusive, reflecting and matching to the choices of the graduating class.
  • Transparency: Ethical choices included maintaining transparency in budget allocation and ensuring fairness in decision-making processes.

My journey as the Decor Head for Farewell 2023 has been the most memorable CAS experience. It encompassed challenges, commitment, and ethical considerations.This role has not only enhanced my skills but also enriched my understanding of teamwork, leadership, and the importance of ethical choices in project management.

As I bid farewell to my role, I carry with me the memories of a job well done and the satisfaction of contributing to an unforgettable farewell event for our graduating class. Here’s to Farewell 2023 and to the bright futures that await all of us!

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