Global odyssey volunteer

Counting as activity, creativity

global odyssey is a huge event in our school that happens every year in which students from business management and economics organise stalls to apply business concepts in practical scenarios.This year, the students of grade 11 were given the opportunity to organise the event and I volunteered in creating appropriate and good decor for the event.

counting as service too since I think I contributed to the event and served the school by helping the decor team.

LO1: my strength was my creativity and it helped me a lot while planning the decor since I could come up with numerous ideas on how to bring the event to life. I talked with the leaders and added new things that could make the event better. The place where I needed to work upon was managing myself since everyone was in a hurry and we had to appoint whatever free time we had to the event. Each person had a lot of work so it was important to organise the flow.

LO 2: decor was a major part of the event since it would create the appropriate mood and atmosphere. Our job was to select a theme and decorate the venue according to the theme. Everyone has different ideas and there were some clashes regarding what can be done and should be done. Social and self management skills played a big role in this event as a lot of people had to work collaboratively to achieve the goals. Many times, the leaders used to keep adding work on top of what I was already doing and hence I developed self management by organising myself and the tasks and completing them before deadlines.

LO3: the moment we were given the option to select our roles in the event, I knew immediately that I had to select the decor team due to my creativity and passion for craft. I talked with my business management teacher and they appointed me in the decor team. I initiated the experience by convincing teachers why I should be in the decor team. Also, I was one of the important people in the team and had quite a lot of work so planning the experience catered to being efficient while making sure I was being good at what I had to do.

LO4: commitment and perseverance was shown towards the event as I had a lot of assessment and tests coming up but decided to dedicate the time towards the event since it needed immediate attention. There were times where we had to come to school early and do the work since time was limited. whenever I used to get time or have free slots, I used to start working for the event.

LO5: The secret to success in this event was teamwork.Everyone was given a position based on their strengths, which made the task simple and effective. Collaboration led to the development of fresh perspectives and ideas that improved the event. It’s crucial to communicate clearly, to listen, and to be open-minded about other people’s viewpoints.

LO 6: demonstrating our concern for issues of a global scale. We demonstrated our ability to create while reducing waste and reusing things because we understood the significance of sustainable development.We recycled the decorations from previous events and created something new with them using our own ideas. hence not wasting what is at our disposal.


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