Donating food


I began my CAS experience by investigating the underlying causes of hunger and food insecurity in my neighborhood. I discovered that many individuals go hungry as a result of poverty, unemployment, and a lack of affordable housing. I also discovered that food insecurity is more widespread among youngsters and the elderly.


Once I had a better knowledge of the issue, I proceeded to investigate the underlying reasons of hunger and food insecurity in my neighborhood. I discovered that poverty is the primary cause of food insecurity. Many folks in my town do not make enough money to buy enough food. Another important driver of food insecurity is unemployment. When people lose their employment, they frequently lose access to health insurance and other benefits, making it difficult to buy food. Food insecurity is often exacerbated by a lack of affordable housing. People who have to spend a lot of money on housing usually have less money to spend on food.


I began to construct a strategy to donate food to a local food bank after I had a better knowledge of the core causes of poverty and food insecurity in my neighborhood. I phoned a nearby food bank and discovered that they were in desperate need of canned foods, cereal, and pasta. I then arranged a food drive at my school, which resulted in a donation of almost 45 pounds of food.


I am quite pleased of what I was able to achieve via my CAS experience. I learnt a lot about food security and the effects of hunger on individuals and communities. I was also able to make a difference in the lives of others by providing food to those in need. One area where I might improve is my outreach activities. I could have done more to advertise the food drive and reach out to more individuals in the neighborhood. I could have also done more research on the food bank and the individuals they help.


I shared my discoveries and experiences with others in a variety of ways. For my school newspaper, I wrote an essay about the significance of food security and the influence of my CAS experience. I also spoke to my students about what I had learnt and how others may become engaged.
I feel it is critical to share our experiences with others in order to learn from one another and make a difference in the world.

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