Learning Yoga

Since my childhood, everyone in my family has consistently practiced yoga, either on their own or with the guidance of a tutor. They strongly believe that practicing yoga every morning not only improves physical well-being but also enhances an individual’s mental health. Surrounded by such motivation, I was inspired to begin my yoga journey. Engaging in this practice as a part of my daily routine and our Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) program has been an enlightening adventure.

Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrating Challenges and Developing New Skills:

It is said that challanges are the steeping stones to success. When I started my yoga journey, I soon realised that it was not just about those impresive poses rather it was more abpout understadning my body, calming my mind and achieving a sense of harmony. Along this path, I encountered various challanges that pushed me more to develop this skill.

  • Physical Challenges: Initially, my bodies resisted the unfamiliar movements and stretches. Flexibility, strength, and balance together is the major part of what Yoga encomprises which were challenges I had to confront head-on. However, with regular practice, I began to see noticeable improvements. The experience taught us the value of patience and perseverance.
  • Mental Challenges: As said above, yoga is not just about physicality; it’s equally a mental practice. Concentrating during meditation and maintaining focus during asanas was tough at the start. Slowly I had to develop mindfulness, a skill that has not only improved our yoga practice but also benefitted me in my daily live.
  • Breathing: In yoga, he art of controlled breathing and pranayama, is a novel skill known by the most of us. Learning to regulate my breath not only enhanced our yoga practice but also helped me manage stress better. It’s a skill that has applications far beyond the yoga mat.

Learning Outcome 4: Commitment and Perseverance:

Yoga is not a one-time learning journey rather is a lifelong journey. To overcome the challnages mentioned above and reacha level of satisfaction, I has to demonstrat unwavering commitment and perseverance throughout my CAS experience.

  • Consistency: I committed to regular practice from 7-8am in the morning, even on days when I felt weak and unmotivated or faced academic pressures. This consistency reinforced the idea that dedication leads to progress.
  • Mental Resilience: Yoga has taught me to stay resilient in the face of challenges. Every time I struggled with a new pose or a mental hurdle, I remembered the importance of perseverance. This attribute has helped me not only to successfully do different poses but also increase my paitence level.

In all, commitment and perseverance is very much important for an indivdual who wants to continue this pratice from a long period of time.

In all, this CAS experience of learning yoga has been transformative for me. I have demonstrated that challenges can be conquered, and new skills can be developed with dedication and perseverance. Moreover, this experience has proven that yoga is not just a physical practice but a way of life that promotes holistic well-being. As I continue to explore the depths of yoga, I carry with myself the valuable lessons of commitment, perseverance, and the infinite potential for personal growth. Yoga is a lifelong pursuit, and I look forward to continuing this journey and explore new horizons.

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