CAS Project-Gaming Tournament

As I have a lot of interest in gaming, I decided to host the first ever gaming tournament in our school. I grouped up with 3 of my friends and hosted a gaming tournament where the students of grades 9-12 would compete in online video games. The tournament consisted of a popular PC game named Valorant and a popular Mobile game named Call Of Duty:Mobile.

LO3: Initiating a project like this required a lot of planning. We firstly had to decide the games that were to be played in the tournament. We also had to decide the whole format of the tournament and the timings considering all of the players’ skill level and the time they were available at.

LO5: As it was such a big event, it wasn’t easy to do it by myself. If I wanted to finish the event, I needed help for managing all of the different tasks provided. This is where working as a group was really helpful. As we were a group of 4 people, we divided our tasks equally so that we could complete the event quickly. I was responsible for managing the participants for the event. I had to bring in participants for the event and had to update them at every point about the details such as the final teams that will compete, the format and the timings. I also had to answer any queries that they had regarding the tournament.

LO6: Education is necessary for everyone and an important part in our lives. Smile Foundation is an organization that helps educate underprivileged children in India. To help in contributing to the cause, we decided to donate 20% of our collection to Smile Foundation and return the rest to the winners. Our donation would help the organization in educating more children and provide them with a bright future.

LO7: As this was a charity event, we decided to use the collected money to give back to the winners and Smile Foundation. We did not keep any money for ourselves and donated rest of the money.

In the end, it was a new experience for me as it was my first time ever organizing any event, and I got to learn a lot about hosting and managing any event. I also made a few mistakes along the way but that has helped me in my learning. It was a fun experience working with my friends and I feel proud that I could give back to the community.

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