CAS Experience 1-Beach Cleaning

On 17th of September, there was coastal cleanup day. Beaches are one of the places that are really important to keep clean. People go to beaches during their leisure time to enjoy and relax but it won’t be fun if there is trash everywhere. Also, the trash thrown on beaches travels to the oceans and harms marine life. On the 17th of September, there was coastal cleanup day and our school provided us with an opportunity to clean the local beach (Dumas beach) in which I participated too.

LO4: Commitment was required for this CAS experience as I had to wake up early and dedicate 2 hours to the cleanup. Due to the limited time, we had to divide different areas of the beach between us and clean it thoroughly. I cleaned the area I committed to and cleaned every small bit of trash.

LO5: As we had taken up the task of cleaning up such a big area of the beach, working collaboratively was a big help. Cleaning such a huge area alone would be really tough job and dividing up the area made it a lot easier and quicker. That’s why I grouped up with my friends to make this task a lot easier.

LO6: Pollution is a really serious problem around the world. We usually don’t pay attention to the seriousness of the impact of pollution. The plastic we throw on the beaches ends up in the oceans. It ends up harming the ecosystem by destroying coral reefs and even fish consume it and die. To take a part in solving this issue, I took part in the cleanup drive.

LO7: Ethics was a huge part of this experience as I had to be true to myself and cleanup the beach. I did not just clean up the larger pieces that were easy to pick up but also clean up smaller pieces. I also had to be honest in picking up the trash and not just show that I’m doing so by letting my friends collect all of it.

I developed a few learner profile attributes throughout this experience such as caring by thinking about the environment and communicators as I collaborated with my friends.

In the end, I felt really proud looking at the results and how clean the beach looked after just 2 hours of cleaning.

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