School Community Service | Service

For a few years our school has been offering students to do community service where kids from government schools come to our school and the volunteers can teach them several different skills. I have been a volunteer two times. This time I was in the dance team, the whole team worked together to teach almost 100 kids six dances over four weeks.

LO 1:Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

While teaching the kids I identified that communication is my weakness. But throughout the process, I improved my skills. I started to engage more with my team and the kids. I tried to get to know the kids on a personal level and be very patient while teaching them. These skills are going to help me in a lot of different situations in the future. Being patient and communicating properly are two skills that are required in most of the things we do on a day-to-day basis. 

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

This also required us to work collaboratively as a team. We had a lot of kids to teach. Each week our team in charge would teach us the dance and then we had to teach the children. Collaborating with this team was quite easy. Everyone was very open-minded which made it a lot easier and more efficient to teach the kids. We even got to engage with the kids. We got to know them better as the days passed and we got to pass our knowledge about this art form to them. 

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Lastly, I engaged with a global issue of significance. The issue is the lack of quality education. Many underprivileged kids don’t have access to quality education and this event gave us an opportunity to share our knowledge with them about several things. This issue is important because education is the base of everyone’s life. Being educated helps solve a lot of other global issues. Being aware of this issue makes me want to do something to reduce its impact. This CAS experience gave me an opportunity to help reduce the impacts of the problem. 

To summarise, this experience as a whole was really positive. It helped me engage in a global issue of significance, identify my weaknesses and helped me understand the importance of working together. 

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