Aerial yoga – Activity

Aerial yoga was something new to me when I joined, but later I realized it was one of the best decisions I had made. It helped me improve my physical and mental well-being. I took it as an opportunity to delve into the world of aerial yoga, aiming to discover its benefits and explore its potential for personal growth. I achieved the following learning outcomes during this experience:

LO 1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

Initially, I faced several challenges, but as I continued to practice, I began to feel more comfortable. Surprisingly, I realized that I was slowly developing the flexibility needed for aerial yoga. This experience not only led to physical improvements but also brought about a sense of inner happiness. It was a journey of self-discovery that allowed me to identify my own strengths, such as determination, and also highlighted areas for personal growth, including patience and perseverance.

LO2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

This experience had its own set of challenges, demanding considerable flexibility which I lacked in. This made it somewhat challenging for me. Additionally, my level of physical activity had not been very high, resulting in weaker arm strength, an important element in aerial yoga. Further, maintaining a calm and focused mind was essential to execute the poses effectively. Overall, it was new expereince for me and the most fun.

LO4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

I dedicated myself to this activity with the aim of enhancing my posture and flexibility. The initial days were challenging, with significant body pain. But I didn’t give up. I have always been inclined towards physical activity, hence I showed perseverance to in achieving my goals, especially when it comes to improving my health and lifestyle.

LO6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

This activity aligns with the Sustainable Development Goal of good health and well-being. It helped me understand the global significance of maintaining a healthy balance between physical and mental well-being. I chose to take part in this activity because I am understanding how difficult it is to maintain good health and wellbeing in a world where there are constantly new obstacles to overcome.

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