Global Odyssey Decor

For economics and business management students, the Global Odyssey was a student-run gathering where everyone set up booths to market their wares. I was offered the chance to be a part of the event’s décor crew, so I had to cooperate and work with my team to decorate our school’s entire grass area so that it resembled a bohemian flea. With the assistance of our teammates, we had to come up with ideas for how the lawn should appear before carrying them out.

LOs met:

LO2: I demonstrated that challenges have been undertaken in developing new skills specially for me because I am not very much induldged into creative fields however this was my first experience in any creative area as an event orgazing member which was a bit challenging for me to come up with creative decoration ideas. However, later on I came to know that I was able to think creatively and come up with creative decor solutions.

LO3: As a team, we came up with the idea for the Global Odyssey event by spotting a chance to demonstrate our ATL abilities—namely, those of organisation, socialisation, critical analysis, and communication. We understood that organising a big event would be difficult for us and provide us a chance to learn new things. We formed a schedule, defined our roles and duties, and set SMART which includes specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound objectives. We also made sure that the event was in line with the SDGs and the CAS learning goals.

LO4: I was determined to finish decorating the location of the global odyssey. We had a deadline of February 23 to finish setting up the venue, so we had to work quickly and efficiently to meet it. Moreover, there was a lot of decorating to set up. We had to forgo our study time, arrive early, and demonstrate devotion to this event in order to finish everything.

LO5: I was able to show showcase my abilities and the advantages of teamwork because everyone had to cooperate to complete their portion of the decorating. To fulfil some duties, such as hanging the decorations from a tall pole or making the little decoration pieces, people had to collaborate. By working together, they were able to complete the decorating rapidly so that it could be finished on time.

LO6: The Global Odyssey event was designed and customised to the SDGs, demonstrated our engagement with global challenges. We recognised the need of sustainable development and took steps to promote responsible consumption and production, minimise waste, and promote innovation and creativity. We also ensured that the event encouraged moral behaviour, accelerated economic development, and built enduring infrastructure. There is consideration for the eight, nine, and twelve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Overall, This CAS experience was a great experiencs as we had to arrive early to school and miss our slots in order to complete our decorations in time for the event, which was exhausting yet satisfying for me. To make this event succeed, my grade’s other teams and I had to work together. With this voyage, I improved my communication, thinking, and open-mindedness abilities.


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