The physical well-being of an individual depends on exercise. Although it was something I did frequently in school, it stopped when the pandemic struck, and aside from a few instances here and there, it was practically nonexistent for me. I stopped taking part in contests. Before to pendamic, I competed at the national level in lawn tennis and represented Gujarat with multiple medals. I considered getting back in shape after considering the situation mentioned above. In order to emphasise my physique and athleticism, I made the decision to engage in regular physical activity in the form of gym routines. I made the decision to work on myself for around two months.

LOs met:

LO1: By utilising reps as a gauge of my early skills, using internal reflection to discover my physical strengths and deficiencies was made simpler. In order to determine which muscle groups needed greater effort, I was able to compare the number of reps I was able to do during a physical activity to earlier values and other typical rep counts by monitoring how many reps I could complete.

LO2: I have demonstrated that challenges have been undertaken in the process of developing my physical strength and ability. The biggest challenge I faced while performing this CAS experience was being consistant in terms of waking up early everymoring and controlling all my urge to cheat in my diet routine. However, I pushed myself to the fullestt and have skipped the gym just for 1 day in the span of 2 months.

LO3: Many preparation and execution steps were necessary for this extended experience. All forms of exercise, from learning the proper techniques to do them to working out for more than a month at once, required drive, consistency, and expertise. I was able to organise the necessary data, and as a consequence, I was able to witness positive outcomes in my own body and gain confidence.

LO4: I went to the gym six times a week. had school five days a week, so continuing to go to the gym while being exhausted was a sign of commitment. Prior to my current load of studies, it was simpler for me to commit to things, but later it become a bit hectic  I still managed to make commitments, though, since once I do anything, there is no turning back. The quality and quantity of my work were improved by committing and preserving since these actions kept me motivated and confident.

Overall, this CAS experience was really benifical and fun for me as I am health freak as I am induldged in sports and other extra curiculum.


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