Plantation drive – Service

Plantation is the practise of growing plants for either utilitarian reasons such as generating food or medicinal herbs or for decorative reasons such as enhancing a landscape or bringing greenery to an urban area. It necessitates a variety of abilities, including soil preparation, planting, watering, etc. Planting has several advantages, including the ability to connect with nature, consume fresh vegetables, and engage in physical activity. It may also bring a sense of achievement and fulfilment, as well as be a therapeutic and stress-relieving hobby.

LOs met:

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

While doing this CAS experience, I’ve discovered that my greatest qualities are my patience and attention to detail. However, one area in which I can improve is my understanding of plant types and their specialised requirements. I’d also like to improve my activity and the amount of time I give towards plantation so that it’s both useful and calming. I developed many skills specially in terms of plants and soil which increased my intrest

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

As I had very little expertise about plantion when I initially started, I was not sure about the process of planting as it was my first time doing so. Hence, there were many things I was not sure about and it made plantation deficult for me as a beginer. However, I took help of my friends who were there in plantation drive and they helped me in effectively learning hot to plant and contribute your bit to nature.

LO3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience

As plantation is long task, I was required to plan it effectively in a way that it doesn’t affect my regular timetable. As it requires many steps such as choosing place, choosing plants, going and taking care of it once grown, I planned this CAS activity on a weekend when I can spare my time in planting several plants effectively.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

As mentioned earlier, I was not aware about the process of plantation and it was difficult for me to just go and plant. Hence, there were many obstacles on the way but I managed to overcome them with the help of my peers and guardian. As a result, I slowly started to see rough path for me to lear plantations and I kept doing it and learned how to plant after 2 unsucessfull plantations.

LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

As I did this CAS experience with my peers and other pleople, I was supposed to work with many different personalities and minds which exposed me to different perspectives. This helped me in learning something new like plantation through different perspectives and various ways. It benifited me as I gaind different perspectives and took whatever was usefull and helpfull for me. Additionally, I also came across new people and made new friends which can help in future.

LO6: Engagement with issues of global significance

As a responsible global citizen, I feel that my activities may help to address some of the world’s most pressing concerns, such as climate change and food security. By planting trees, I can help local biodiversity by growing native plants and decreasing my usage of toxic pesticides. I can also contribute to the greater movement of sustainable agriculture and strive towards a more fair food system through my garden. Overall, I view planting as a meaningful and practical method to interact with world concerns and my rent of living on this planet.

LO7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

I understand the significance of thinking about the ethics of my decisions and actions in order to minimise any detrimental influence on the environment and society. This includes being conscious of the plants I choose and where I grow them, as well as the usage of pesticides and fertilisers. To maintain healthy ecosystems and encourage biodiversity, I attempt to adopt organic and sustainable plantation practises such as composting and companion planting wherever feasible. I also examined the ethical implications of how I utilise and dispose of water and other resources. Overall, my objective is to develop an ideology that not only helps me but also benefits the earth and its people.

In conclusion, this CAS project was one of my favourites as it was packed with actions, benifit and service, while practicing this, I cam across many new people, new perspectives, new techniques and I realised how it is important to chanalise some of your time and energy in favour of nature and mankind. I believed the art of giving and serving is the ret one pays to live on earth and plantation helped me in changing my belief into action.


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